Going Serverless

Over the last few years as technology has improved and the cloud providers built out more and more infrastructure, serverless began to grow. Serverless doesn't mean there is no server. What serverless means is that you don'…

Azure Timer Functions

A quick getting started guide for Azure Timer functions. Timer triggers give us alot more options to automate things. With Azure timer functions we don't have to take care of the timer Azure handles that. We can focus…

Azure Functions Triggers

Azure Functions come with a number of triggers, from HTTP, Timers, service bus, blob and many more. In this post we go over the different types of triggers available out of the box for Azure Functions. Last week I covered…

Azure Table Storage

About Azure Table Storage Windows Azure Table storage is a service that stores structured data in the cloud. It's like NoSQL but with more of the SQL, for example it does not store the data as a Document…

KUDU with Microsoft Azure Web Apps

Kudu is the central nervous system of a Microsoft Azure Web App. To access your Kudu console, navigate to https://appname.scm.azurewebsites.net. (note: open the kudu console under a new tab in the same browser as you are…