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Lets talk about HTTPS
That's right this post is all about HTTPS. This is the first of a number of posts I...
GIT for Version Control - The 30 second Explainer
GIT for version control. It's not as confusing or as crazy as it seems. We just pretend it...
Auth0 Customise the login screen
So I've been spending a bit of time using and exploring Auth0 to handle my login flow for...
Getting a users information from Auth0
Last time around we added Auth0 to a project to handle our login and signup. You can see that post...
Using Auth0 to control Authentication in .Net Core 2.2
Auth0 provides universal authentication and authorization for your application, you can see more about them here. I've used...
Using Network Monitor to understand your website performance
This post is part of a series of posts on improving the performance of your website and understanding what is...